Note: I don't get paid or make any money of this site!
Just sharing a laugh as I find funny stuff while reading tons of books for a real book review blog.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tween-Teen Librarian from Hell

As far as I figure it, this blog should also include reviews of Tween Librarians, since they are the gatekeepers/marketer/inspiration provider for Tweens. This past weekend, I visited the amazing space set aside for Tweens/Teens in the main library of downtown Salt Lake City. This fun setup includes booths, tvs, and has music playing at all times. I needed materials to review for this blog, but wasn't sure how to choose them. Well hell, isn't the Librarian the best place to start!? There is a special reference desk just for this section so I figured there person would be highly knowledgable. My first impression was that this Librarian was as comfortable and settled as Jabba the Hut. (No she wasn't overweight, just unmovable- a crowbar would not convince her to get out of her seat). Continuing with my snap judgment, I thought she might show me a picture of her cats or start knitting at any moment. My expectation and hope was that she could tell me what is really hot right now, what her favorites are, and some classic reads. Ahh, how easily the hopes of the hopeful are crushed and how fragile are our dreams. I explained to her that I was a graduate student in Library Science and I needed some books for a class on Tweens. She tried to convince me that pre-teens/tweens were actually children, and I would not find material for them in this section. When I asked her for some book ideas (as listed specifically above), she replied to me after a long pause, "There are alot of books in this section, so be sure to have a look around before you go". I can recognize pretty quickly when I am not going to get what I want (an only child thing). So I politely thanked her and chose books at random (ok..mostly fantasy..what can I say..I tried to get help!). Eventually I was browsing the non-fiction section and she called out to me, 'those books there are non-fiction'. Wow! You learn something new everyday!

Truthfully after my visit, I was dumbfounded. Here I am, not working in a Library, and look who gets to! Un-enthusiastic lumps who are half-awake (was that too harsh?). I tried to do the right thing, and asked at the main customer service desk for a 'comment card'. Is that not the normal phrase? They had no idea what I was talking about. I had to explain in detail, and after much conferring amongst themselves, I was given a 'what do you think of our services' card. I would really like to see a approachable, high-energy, knowledgeable reference Librarian in this section of the library.

So after some heart-ache and a healthy does of examination, I have had to come to the conclusion that my expectations are too high given my current education and my unfulfilled dreams of librarianship are expressed as jealously through critical judgment. (I was a psych major, cantcha tell?) Since the 'comment card' was too short to include my full review of this Librarian, I have decided it will be summed up in two words as represented by the picture accompanied by this blog. ____ HER. Any guesses?