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Just sharing a laugh as I find funny stuff while reading tons of books for a real book review blog.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Website: Powerhouse -a free online green game to AVOID!

Objection: Hidden Smut

I had to review quite a few websites looking for eco/green games for kids. I stumbled across this one, that is very very naughty and worth a mention. (And a Lesson!)


For this game you are in a house that is using too much power. Its your job to go from room to room and find out how to reduce power. Once the power meters in each room are all green you win! There is rocking music and cool animation. The trickiest part is that you start in the basement and have to turn the light on! Hovering your mouse arrow over items reveals funny things and power saving hints.

It is of note that this game came recommended by the National Resource Defense Council.

But there is a problem. Well only if your intent is to let children play this game (which is who the game was made for!). Here's how it goes....

You go into the boys room (who appears to be a teenager) and suddenly the cursor hovers over an suspicious item...

Yes, we would like to know what that is too!
I am very sure that more than the fictional mom would be mad about the porn mag under the bed. You know who would be REALLY mad? All the parents of the 3rd to 7th graders that played this game!
Lesson Learned: Always play any game, all the way through, before recommending it/allowing it to be played by children.