Note: I don't get paid or make any money of this site!
Just sharing a laugh as I find funny stuff while reading tons of books for a real book review blog.

Thursday, April 15, 2010



This is a great You Tube channel of short video’s created for Girl Power. It specifically list’s Tweens as an audience.
The scary part of this channel is the who’s and why! That probably something that should be listed, especially if you are catering to those under 18.
There are tons of little webisode’s. I reviewed three.

#1 That’s Hot –From Drab to Fab
The host interviews a pre-teen girl about how to make a plain outfit into something fabulous. Mimi add accessories to her plain outfit, and adds with each addition how cheap these items are.
There is also a video specifically on thrift store finds! Score!

#2 Secret Angel: School Bullies
This artistic snippet tells the story of a 13 year old girl who wants to be popular, but when that involves
bullying, she creates an anonymous letter to tell an authority figure. It was a a great portrait of the experience

#3 The Guys View on Girl Power Talk
Two guys (one is 14 and the other is 18) are interviewed about Snap Bracelets. The guys think they are gross and demeaning. They compare wearing them into turning them into dogs with collars. The think they are disrespectful and that girls that wear them are “not loyal, not trustworthy, and not a girl with a lot of self respect”.
I had no idea that snap bracelets had this much meaning!
One of the guys interviewed said they lead to teen pregnancy! Wow! They should give these out at fertility clinics!
Remember Snap Bracelet =Sex degradation

For Tweens: Yes!

Final Word:
This inspires me to create super fun projects when I become a librarian. The elementary school could have its own Youtube channel for news, events, and projects!!!! It will bring the community in, help parents get involved, and provide no end to learning projects and fun! I won't be wearing Snap bracelets every again. Especially not the brown ones!

The Color Meanings of the Snap Bracelets

The yellow one means your willing to 'HUG'. 
Thank god one of them is wholesome.