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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wren to the Rescue by Sherwood Smith

Wren to the Rescue by Sherwood Smith

Actually, truth be known, this posting is about the entire Wren Series. The books are very short but draw you into their world so completely that they feel much longer. Wren is an amazingly normal girl raised in an orphanage. Turns out her best friend is a princess in hiding, who shortly thereafter is kidnapped. That’s when all the magic and adventure break loose. As the series continues Wren and her group of friends, Tyron the magician, Conner the prince, and of course Princess Tess, continue to grow up. They are fully children when the book starts, but find that young adulthood brings a new dynamic to their lives, both through responsibility but also possibilities. While this is a good vs evil story, the richness of the world and characters is so striking, that any stereotypical elements so the plot are overcome quite easily.

This is a classic and a keeper. A must have for every library. While I am on it..why not have a shelf dedicated to endearing classics of the modern age. Screw the Scarlet Letter, and give us a shelf full of C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling, and hell even Stephenie Meyer. These are the books that children and young adults will be reading for a long time.

Best news yet, a bit of snooping revealed that a long-awaited fourth book to the series,
Wren Journeymage will be coming out in e-book format only. More information can be found on the authors homepage. She is a prolific writer, and if you like this series, you will love this author.

For Tweens?
100% go read it now

Final Word:
Here is a nifty magic school... long before Hogwarts.

Smith, S. (1990). Wren to the Rescue. New York: Harcourt.